
What If...

This image property of Ydnar Designs, ©2011
What If Everyone Had A Sign That Told About Themselves?
    How different would the world be? Would we avoid certain topics in conversation? If someone was divorced, would we mention to them to the new up-and-coming dating site or the new singles mixer this weekend? I'm not sure...

    What I hope to get you to think about is this--though everyone doesn't have a sign which tells their life story and experiences, the truth is everyone does have a story and does have experiences that have shaped them. Though something physical like a sign doesn't exist, every person has gone through and still goes through every day like you and I do. They see the morning, they complain about how early it is, they wish they could lay in bed all day in the warmth of their covers. Every person has experiences. 

    Sometimes I think it is easy for us as people to do something that is very dangerous: we assume things. I would give the old phrase about assuming here, but in the interest of not being crass, I shall avoid it. 
   I think assuming is a dangerous thing because it seems to imply that a person is not important enough to express how they feel or their viewpoint. For example,  what if you needed someone to draw something for you and you had no artistic talent. And what if you purposefully avoid the quiet kid in your class because you assume he certainly has no artistic skills, let alone good ones. But somehow you find out afterwards that that kid was an amazing artist, prize-winning even.  How does that make you feel about your actions?

   I hope you don't taste guilt right now. Well, maybe I do a little because I taste it a little right now. I know I've done this exact same thing in my own life. I've looked over people because I thought I knew what was best for my needs. But in the end, in my looking over them, I miss the potential of what could have been.

In short, we are all made in the Lord's image. We are all useful. Many parts but put in the same body (1 Cor. 12:12). Make sense? THE TRUTH IS WE ARE ALL USEFUL. I hope we don't need a sign to see that in people. I pray that we would have the Lord's perspective and understand that everyone, in some way, big or small, can help us, if we let them. 

1 comment:

Whatever your reaction, let me know. I love the attention and you purposefully taking time out of your day to read my thoughts. Thanks a million!