

Read an article in the Sojourn, the school's newspaper today about using Twiiter and what the point of it is. All in all, I thought it was a pretty good informative piece aimed at new people to Twitter. But what the article made me think about most was the idea of relevance.

They quoted a student who said that Twitter is really a "useless networking tool." I don't know if I would call it useless, but I could see his point. I think seeing something as useless is really only seeing the bad parts of something, in this case Twitter going the same way as Facebook, as an essential time-waster. I do believe that can happen, but at the end of the day, I believe we all have a choice as to whether or not we let that happen.

As far as relevance goes, I'd say it's really a subjective term in today's day and age. I think in order to be relevant, someone or something has to first define what relevance even is. I think society in one sense defines relevance; I think celebrities do as well; but my question is this: Why doesn't God define what our view of relevancy is?

In essence, what does God say about how we use Twitter? Why don't we have Him as our standard with which we measure relevance. If we go by society's standards of relevance, then aren't we pleasing man with our efforts?

I think I can sum up what I'm trying to say in one thought: Twitter is a resource that's been given to us by God. Let's use it for His glory.

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